
CarboKitten is modular in design. This gives us the advantage of few repetitions in the code, but it also means a little study getting in to developing CarboKitten.


A model is a module that must have certain data structures and methods implemented.

  • struct Input <: AbstractInput: contains all input parameters
  • struct State <: AbstractState: contains all run-time state
  • function initial_state(input): creates an initial State from an Input
  • function step!(input)(state): curried function to advance state and return a H5Writer.DataFrame
  • function write_header(fid, input): writes meta-data to an open HDF5 file

For most models the Input and State structures are generated from a hierarchy of components, which is explained below.


The step! method deserves some extra attention: this is where the high-level logic of a model goes. Running a model is nothing but a repeated application of step!(input) on the state. Note that the step! function is curried: the input and state parameters are given on separate occasions. This allows the model to prepare later execution on state in a more efficient manner. For example, we may allocate memory or prepare quantities derived from input variables.


A model in CarboKitten is composed of components. Each component extends the Input and/or State data structures with members and can also provide functions that work on those elements. Components can inherit from each other. For instance, the WaterDepth component inherits from Boxes component to have a notion of the grid size, and the TimeIntegration component to obtain a time coordinate from the state.

A component has the following syntax:

@compose module MyComponent
    @mixin DependencyA, DependencyB
    using ..Common

    @kwdef struct Input <: AbstractInput


Here the Common module is a normal Julia module living in the same scope as the component. This Common module contains common definitions used throughout the CarboKitten code base.


The H5Writer component is special as it serves to execute a model. For example, if we have a model MyModel with all the required definitions,

@component module MyModel
    @mixin Tag, H5Writer, ...

    function step!(input)
        return function (state)
            return H5Writer.DataFrame(...)


We can run that model as follows:{MyModel}, MyModel.Input(), "output.h5")

This will call MyModel.initial_state first, then repeatedly MyModel.step!, which should return a H5Writer.DataFrame for writing to HDF5. Here Model is a value type (defined in CarboKitten.Components.Common).