title: Species Habitation subtitle: a cellular automaton –-
Cellular Automaton
The paper talks about cycling the order of preference for occupying an empty cell at each iteration. This means that the rules change slightly every iteration.
cycle_permutation(n_species::Int) =
(circshift(1:n_species, x) for x in Iterators.countfrom(0))
The stencil
function has an args...
variadic arguments that are forwarded to the given rule. This means we can create a rules
function that we pass the preference order as a second argument.
function rules(facies::Vector{F}) where {F}
function (neighbourhood::Matrix{Int}, order::Vector{Int})
cell_facies = neighbourhood[3, 3]
neighbour_count(f) = sum(neighbourhood .== f)
if cell_facies == 0
for f in order
n = neighbour_count(f)
(a, b) = facies[f].activation_range
if a <= n && n <= b
return f
n = neighbour_count(cell_facies) - 1
(a, b) = facies[cell_facies].viability_range
(a <= n && n <= b ? cell_facies : 0)
function run_ca(::Type{B}, facies::Vector{F}, init::Matrix{Int}, n_species::Int) where {B<:Boundary{2},F}
r = rules(facies)
Channel{Matrix{Int}}() do ch
target = Matrix{Int}(undef, size(init))
put!(ch, init)
stencil_op = stencil(Int, B, (5, 5), r)
for perm in cycle_permutation(n_species)
stencil_op(init, target, perm)
init, target = target, init
put!(ch, init)
This function is not yet adaptible to the given rule set. Such a modification is not so hard to make.
The paper talks about a 50x50 grid initialized with uniform random values.
module CA
using ...BoundaryTrait
using ...Stencil
using ...Boxes: Box
export run_ca
First, let us reproduce Figure 3 in Burgess 2013.
By eye comparison seems to indicate that this CA is working the same. I'm curious to the behaviour after more iterations. Let's try 10, 100, 10000 and so on.
The little qualitative change between 100 and 1000 iterations would indicate that this CA remains "interesting" for a long time.
On my laptop I can run about 150 iterations per second with current code. When using periodic boundaries, I get to 1500 iterations per second, which is peculiar. A lot can still be optimized.
Plotting code
module Script
using .Iterators: flatten
using CarboKitten
using CarboKitten.Burgess2013
using CarboKitten.Stencil: Reflected
using CarboKitten.Utility
using GLMakie
function main()
init = rand(0:3, 50, 50)
ca = run_ca(Reflected{2}, MODEL1, init, 3)
fig = Figure(resolution=(1000, 500))
axis_indices = flatten(eachrow(CartesianIndices((2, 4))))
for (i, st) in zip(axis_indices, ca)
ax = Axis(fig[Tuple(i)...], aspect=AxisAspect(1))
heatmap!(ax, st)
save("docs/src/_fig/b13-fig3.png", fig)
module Script
using CarboKitten
using CarboKitten.Burgess2013
using CarboKitten.Stencil
using CarboKitten.Utility
using GLMakie
function main()
init = rand(0:3, 50, 50)
result = select(run_ca(Periodic{2}, MODEL1, init, 3), [10, 100, 10000])
fig = Figure(resolution=(1000, 333))
for (i, st) in enumerate(result)
ax = Axis(fig[1, i], aspect=AxisAspect(1))
heatmap!(ax, st)
save("docs/src/_fig/b13-long-term.png", fig)
How to run
We start with randomized initial conditions on a 50x50 grid.
using CarboKitten.Stencil: Reflected
using CarboKitten.Burgess2013
init = rand(0:3, 50, 50)
result = Iterators.take(run_ca(Reflected{2}, MODEL1, init, 3), 8)
Then we run the cellular automaton for, in this case eight generations. The CA.run
function returns an iterator of 50x50 maps. That means that in principle we can extract an infinity of iterations, but in this cane we only take
result = Iterators.take(CA.run(Reflected{2}, init, 3), 8)
In Julia we may plot those as follows
using Plots
# plotly() # sets back-end; plotly gives me the best results
plot((heatmap(r, colorbar=:none) for r in result)..., layout=(2, 4))
What this says is: create a heatmap
for each of our eight results, then expand those into a function call to plot
(as in plot(hm1, hm2, ..., hm8, layout=(2, 4))
Statuful API
For most applications in CarboKitten it is most useful to have a CA that updates some state
struct in-place. This way any module that needs access to the CA state can do so.
function step_ca(box::Box{BT}, facies) where {BT<:Boundary{2}}
"""Creates a propagator for the state, updating the celullar automaton in place.
Contract: the `state` should have `ca::Matrix{Int}` and `ca_priority::Vector{Int}`
r = rules(facies)
tmp = Matrix{Int}(undef, box.grid_size)
stencil_op = stencil(Int, BT, (5, 5), r)
function (state)
stencil_op(state.ca, tmp, state.ca_priority)
state.ca, tmp = tmp, state.ca
state.ca_priority = circshift(state.ca_priority, 1)
return state
We may test that running the above function ten times gives the same result as the tenth result from the iterator API.
@testset "CA" begin
using CarboKitten.BoundaryTrait: Periodic
using CarboKitten.Boxes: Box
using CarboKitten.Burgess2013.CA: step_ca, run_ca
using Unitful
using CarboKitten.Components: CellularAutomaton as CA
MODEL1 = [
CA.Facies(viability_range=(4, 10), activation_range=(6, 10)),
CA.Facies(viability_range=(4, 10), activation_range=(6, 10)),
CA.Facies(viability_range=(4, 10), activation_range=(6, 10))]
n_facies = length(MODEL1)
box = Box{Periodic{2}}(grid_size=(50, 50), phys_scale=100.0u"m")
ca_init = rand(0:n_facies, box.grid_size...)
ca_channel = run_ca(Periodic{2}, MODEL1, copy(ca_init), n_facies)
item1, _ = Iterators.peel(Iterators.drop(ca_channel, 20))
ca_step = step_ca(box, MODEL1)
state = CA.State(copy(ca_init), 1:n_facies)
for _ in 1:20
@test item1 == state.ca