Sediment Buffers

FIXME: Needs some graphics to explain concepts

In some models of transport it is important to remember the type of sediment facies some time in the past. Suppose sedimented material is loosened again due to submarine erosion processes. Particle sizes may depend on the sediment facies.

To compute such models efficiently we need to store the sedimentation history in a buffer. One approach is to remember several iterations into the past, but then there will be areas where sedimentation is slow and fast, and soon you'll find you have to store the entire simulation for retrieval.

The proposed data structure is one that stores the history discretized in depth. We loose a bit of precision on the thinnest sedimentation layers, but we can freely mix older and younger sediments when needed.

There are several choices on how to structure the sediment buffer. We can grow sediment from the bottom of the buffer, but that requires keeping an array of pointers to the bottom depth where new material is deposited.

Another choice is to keep the sea floor in the same layer of the buffer, and copy down sediment when a layer is full. We may need to implement both to see which is more efficient.

We define two functions push_sediment! and pop_sediment!. Given a $s \times n$ matrix, where $n$ is the number of facies types and $s$ is the depth of the stack, we can grow and shrink sediment. These functions are unit-free, setting $\Delta z$ to be equal to 1.

@testset "SedimentStack" begin
  using CarboKitten.SedimentStack: push_sediment!, pop_sediment!
  stack = zeros(Float64, 10, 3)
  @test pop_sediment!(stack, 0.0) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
  push_sediment!(stack, [5.0, 0, 0])
  @test pop_sediment!(stack, 1.5) == [1.5, 0.0, 0.0]
  push_sediment!(stack, [0.0, 2.0, 0.0])   # (0 0.5) (0 1) (0.5 0.5) (1 0) ...
  @test pop_sediment!(stack, 2.0) == [0.25, 1.75, 0.0]
  @test pop_sediment!(stack, 1.5) == [1.25, 0.25, 0.0]
  @test pop_sediment!(stack, 0.0) == [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

@testset "SedimentArray" begin
  using CarboKitten.SedimentStack: push_sediment!, peek_sediment
  sediment = zeros(Float64, 10, 3, 5, 5)
  for x in 1:10
    production = rand(3, 5, 5)
    push_sediment!(sediment, production)
  a = peek_sediment(sediment, 1.0)
  @test all(sum(a; dims=1) .≈ 1.0)
SedimentStack impl
module SedimentStack

export push_sediment!, pop_sediment!, peek_sediment

function push_sediment!(col::AbstractMatrix{F}, parcel::AbstractVector{F}) where F <: Real
  Δ = sum(parcel)
  bucket = sum(col[1, :])

  if bucket + Δ < 1.0
    col[1,:] .+= parcel

  frac = parcel ./ Δ
  col[1,:] .+= frac .* (1.0 - bucket)
  Δ -= (1.0 - bucket)
  n = floor(Int64, Δ)

  col[n+2:end,:] = col[1:end-n-1,:]
  na = [CartesianIndex()]
  col[2:n+1,:] .= frac[na,:]
  Δ -= n

  col[1,:] .= frac .* Δ

function push_sediment!(sediment::AbstractArray{F, 4}, p::AbstractArray{F, 3}) where F <: Real
  _, x, y = size(p)
  @views for i in CartesianIndices((x, y))
    push_sediment!(sediment[:, :, i[1], i[2]], p[:, i[1], i[2]])

@inline function pop_fraction(col::AbstractMatrix{F}, Δ::F) where F <: Real
  bucket = sum(col[1,:])
  if Δ == 0 || bucket == 0
    return zeros(F, size(col)[2])

  @assert Δ < bucket "pop_fraction can only pop from the top cell: $(col), $(Δ)"
  parcel = (Δ / bucket) .* col[1,:]
  col[1,:] .-= parcel
  return parcel

function peek_sediment(col::AbstractMatrix{F}, Δ::F) where F <: Real  # -> Vector{F}
  if Δ == 0
      return zeros(F, size(col)[2])

  bucket = sum(col[1,:])
  if Δ < bucket
    parcel = (Δ / bucket) .* col[1,:]
    return parcel

  parcel = copy(col[1,:])
  Δ -= bucket
  n = floor(Int64, Δ)

  parcel .+= sum(col[2:n+1,:]; dims=1)'
  Δ -= n

  last_bit = (Δ / sum(col[n+2,:])) .* col[n+2,:]
  parcel .+= last_bit

  return parcel

function peek_sediment(sediment::AbstractArray{F,4}, Δ::F) where F <: Real
  _, f, x, y = size(sediment)
  out = Array{F, 3}(undef, f, x, y)
  for i in CartesianIndices((x, y))
    out[:, i[1], i[2]] = peek_sediment(@view(sediment[:, :, i[1], i[2]]), Δ)
  return out

function pop_sediment!(col::AbstractMatrix{F}, Δ::F) where F <: Real  # -> Vector{F}
  bucket = sum(col[1,:])
  if Δ < bucket
    return pop_fraction(col, Δ)

  parcel = copy(col[1,:])
  Δ -= bucket
  n = floor(Int64, Δ)

  parcel .+= sum(col[2:n+1,:]; dims=1)'
  col[1:end-n-1, :] = col[n+2:end, :]
  col[end-n-1:end, :] .= 0
  Δ -= n

  parcel .+= pop_fraction(col, Δ)
  return parcel

function pop_sediment!(cols::AbstractArray{F, 4}, amount::AbstractArray{F, 2}, out::AbstractArray{F, 3}) where F <: Real
  @views for i in CartesianIndices(amount)
      out[:, i[1], i[2]] = pop_sediment!(cols[:, :, i[1], i[2]], amount[i[1], i[2]])

end # module