The visualization of CarboKitten output is implemented in a Julia package extension. This is done so that CarboKitten.jl
itself doesn't have to depend on Makie.jl
(our main visualization tool), which has a large transient dependency stack. To make the Visualization
extension of CarboKitten available, make sure to activate a Julia project where Makie
is installed.
Makie primer
is a visualization package that creates exceptionally good looking (publication quality) plots in both 2D and 3D. There are three back-ends for Makie:
for publication quality vector graphics, writing toSVG
has better run-time performance thanCairoMakie
, especially when dealing with larger datasets and/or 3D visualizations. However,GLMakie
can only produce rasterized images, soPNG
or directly to screen for interactive use.WGLMakie
for online publication using WebGL. If you want interactive plots, like 3D plots that you can rotate in the browser, this is the one to use. Fair warning: this is also the least stable back-end for Makie.
To work with Makie, you need to import one of the three back-end packages. In general, every plot available in Makie has two variants. One is a direct function for plotting:
using CairoMakie
x = randn(10)
y = randn(10)
scatter(x, y)
The other requires a bit more prep, but gives you more control.
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
scatter!(ax, x, y)
Here, we create a figure explicitly, then create a new set of axes somewhere on the grid in the figure, and then plot on that set of axes. The plotting functions accepting an Axis
argument actually modify an existing context, which is why these functions always end with an exclamation mark, in this case scatter!
If you like to know more about Makie, their "Getting started" is a good place to start.
We like to use colorblind safe pallete of colours as described on Paul Tol's website: '#4477AA', '#EE6677', '#228833', '#CCBB44', '#66CCEE', '#AA3377', '#BBBBBB'.
Project Extension
The Project Extension requires a front-end where the available methods are exposed.
module Visualization
export sediment_profile!, sediment_profile, wheeler_diagram!, wheeler_diagram, production_curve!,
production_curve, glamour_view!, summary_plot
function print_instructions(func_name, args)
println("Called `$(func_name)` with args `$(typeof.(args))`")
println("This is an extension and only becomes available when you import {Cairo,GL,WGL}Makie before using this.")
sediment_profile!(args...) = print_instructions("sediment_profile!", args)
sediment_profile(args...) = print_instructions("sediment_profile", args)
wheeler_diagram!(args...) = print_instructions("wheeler_diagram!", args)
wheeler_diagram(args...) = print_instructions("wheeler_diagram", args)
production_curve(args...) = print_instructions("production_curve", args)
production_curve!(args...) = print_instructions("production_curve!", args)
stratigraphic_column!(args...) = print_instructions("production_curve!", args)
age_depth_model!(args...) = print_instructions("age_depth_model!", args)
glamour_view!(args...) = print_instructions("glamour_view!", args)
summary_plot(args...) = print_instructions("summary_plot", args)
end # module
module VisualizationExt
Summary collage
module SummaryPlot
using CarboKitten.Visualization
import CarboKitten.Visualization: summary_plot
using CarboKitten.Export: read_header, read_slice
using CarboKitten.Utility: in_units_of
using HDF5
using Unitful
using Makie
summary_plot(filename::AbstractString; kwargs...) = h5open(fid->summary_plot(fid; kwargs...), filename, "r")
function summary_plot(fid::HDF5.File; wheeler_smooth=(1, 1))
header = read_header(fid)
y_slice = div(length(header.axes.y), 2) + 1
max_depth = minimum(header.initial_topography)
data = read_slice(fid, :, y_slice)
n_facies = size(data.production)[1]
fig = Figure(size=(1200, 1000), backgroundcolor=:gray80)
ax1 = Axis(fig[1:2,1:2])
sediment_profile!(ax1, header, data)
ax2 = Axis(fig[4,1])
ax3 = Axis(fig[4,2])
sm, df = wheeler_diagram!(ax2, ax3, header, data; smooth_size=wheeler_smooth)
Colorbar(fig[3,1], sm; vertical=false, label="sediment accumulation [m/Myr]")
Colorbar(fig[3,2], df; vertical=false, label="dominant facies", ticks=1:n_facies)
ax4 = Axis(fig[4,3], title="sealevel curve", xlabel="sealevel [m]",
limits=(nothing, (header.axes.t[1] |> in_units_of(u"Myr"),
header.axes.t[end] |> in_units_of(u"Myr"))))
lines!(ax4, header.sea_level |> in_units_of(u"m"), header.axes.t |> in_units_of(u"Myr"))
ax5 = Axis(fig[2,3])
production_curve!(ax5, fid["input"], max_depth=max_depth)
linkyaxes!(ax2, ax3, ax4)
ax = Axis3(fig[1, 3]; zlabel="depth [m]", xlabel="x [km]", ylabel="y [km]")
glamour_view!(ax, fid)
Wheeler diagram
#| creates: docs/src/_fig/wheeler_diagram.png
#| requires: data/output/alcap-example.h5
#| collect: figures
module Script
using CairoMakie
using CarboKitten.Export: read_slice
using CarboKitten.Visualization: wheeler_diagram
function main()
header, data = read_slice("data/output/alcap-example.h5", :, 25)
fig = wheeler_diagram(header, data)
save("docs/src/_fig/wheeler_diagram.png", fig)
module WheelerDiagram
import CarboKitten.Visualization: wheeler_diagram, wheeler_diagram!
using CarboKitten.Export: Header, Data, DataSlice, read_data, read_slice
using CarboKitten.Utility: in_units_of
using Makie
using Unitful
using CarboKitten.BoundaryTrait
using CarboKitten.Stencil: convolution
const na = [CartesianIndex()]
elevation(h::Header, d::DataSlice) =
let bl = h.initial_topography[d.slice..., na],
sr = h.axes.t[end] * h.subsidence_rate
bl .+ d.sediment_elevation .- sr
water_depth(header::Header, data::DataSlice) =
let h = elevation(header, data),
s = header.subsidence_rate .* (header.axes.t .- header.axes.t[end]),
l = header.sea_level
h .- (s.+l)[na, :]
const Rate = typeof(1.0u"m/Myr")
function sediment_accumulation!(ax::Axis, header::Header, data::DataSlice;
smooth_size::NTuple{2,Int}=(3, 11),
range::NTuple{2,Rate}=(-100.0u"m/Myr", 100.0u"m/Myr"))
magnitude = sum(data.deposition .- data.disintegration; dims=1)[1, :, :] ./ (header.Δt * header.write_interval)
blur = convolution(Shelf, ones(Float64, smooth_size...) ./ *(smooth_size...))
wd = zeros(Float64, length(header.axes.x), length(header.axes.t))
blur(water_depth(header, data) / u"m", wd)
mag = zeros(Float64, length(header.axes.x), length(header.axes.t) - 1)
blur(magnitude / u"m/Myr", mag)
ax.ylabel = "time [Myr]"
ax.xlabel = "position [km]"
sa = heatmap!(ax, header.axes.x / u"km", header.axes.t / u"Myr", mag;
colormap=colormap, colorrange=range ./ u"m/Myr")
contour!(ax, header.axes.x / u"km", header.axes.t / u"Myr", wd;
levels=[0], color=:red, linewidth=2, linestyle=:dash)
return sa
function dominant_facies!(ax::Axis, header::Header, data::DataSlice;
smooth_size::NTuple{2,Int}=(3, 11),
n_facies = size(data.production)[1]
colormax(d) = getindex.(argmax(d; dims=1)[1, :, :], 1)
dominant_facies = colormax(data.deposition)
blur = convolution(Shelf, ones(Float64, smooth_size...) ./ *(smooth_size...))
wd = zeros(Float64, length(header.axes.x), length(header.axes.t))
blur(water_depth(header, data) / u"m", wd)
ax.ylabel = "time [Myr]"
ax.xlabel = "position [km]"
ft = heatmap!(ax, header.axes.x / u"km", header.axes.t / u"Myr", dominant_facies;
colormap=cgrad(colors[1:n_facies], n_facies, categorical=true),
colorrange=(0.5, n_facies + 0.5))
contourf!(ax, header.axes.x / u"km", header.axes.t / u"Myr", wd;
levels=[0.0, 10000.0], colormap=Reverse(:grays))
contour!(ax, header.axes.x / u"km", header.axes.t / u"Myr", wd;
levels=[0], color=:black, linewidth=2)
return ft
function wheeler_diagram!(ax1::Axis, ax2::Axis, header::Header, data::DataSlice;
smooth_size::NTuple{2,Int}=(3, 11),
range::NTuple{2,Rate}=(-100.0u"m/Myr", 100.0u"m/Myr"))
linkyaxes!(ax1, ax2)
sa = sediment_accumulation!(ax1, header, data; smooth_size=smooth_size, range=range)
ft = dominant_facies!(ax2, header, data; smooth_size=smooth_size)
ax2.ylabel = ""
return sa, ft
function wheeler_diagram(header::Header, data::DataSlice;
smooth_size::NTuple{2,Int}=(3, 11),
range::NTuple{2,Rate}=(-100.0u"m/Myr", 100.0u"m/Myr"))
fig = Figure(size=(1000, 600))
ax1 = Axis(fig[2, 1])
ax2 = Axis(fig[2, 2])
sa, ft = wheeler_diagram!(ax1, ax2, header, data; smooth_size=smooth_size, range=range)
Colorbar(fig[1, 1], sa; vertical=false, label="sediment accumulation [m/Myr]")
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], ft; vertical=false, ticks=1:3, label="dominant facies")
Production curve
#| creates: docs/src/_fig/production_curve.svg
#| requires: data/output/alcap-example.h5
#| collect: figures
using CairoMakie
using CarboKitten.Visualization: production_curve
save("docs/src/_fig/production_curve.svg", production_curve("data/output/alcap-example.h5"))
module ProductionCurve
using Makie
using Unitful
using HDF5
import CarboKitten.Components.Common: AbstractInput
import CarboKitten.Visualization: production_curve!, production_curve
using CarboKitten.Components.Production: Facies, production_rate
function production_curve!(ax, input::I) where I <: AbstractInput
ax.title = "production at $(sprint(show, input.insolation; context=:fancy_exponent=>true))"
ax.xlabel = "production [m/Myr]"
ax.ylabel = "depth [m]"
ax.yreversed = true
for f in input.facies
depth = (0.1:0.1:50.0)u"m"
prod = [production_rate(input.insolation, f, d) for d in depth]
lines!(ax, prod / u"m/Myr", depth / u"m")
function production_curve(input::I) where I <: AbstractInput
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
production_curve!(ax, input)
function production_curve(filename::AbstractString)
h5open(filename, "r") do fid
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
production_curve!(ax, fid["input"])
function production_curve!(ax, g::HDF5.Group; max_depth=-50.0u"m")
a = HDF5.attributes(g)
insolation = a["insolation"][] * u"W/m^2"
ax.title = "production at $(sprint(show, insolation; context=:fancy_exponent=>true))"
ax.xlabel = "production [m/Myr]"
ax.ylabel = "depth [m]"
for i in 1:a["n_facies"][]
fa = HDF5.attributes(g["facies$(i)"])
f = Facies(
fa["maximum_growth_rate"][] * u"m/Myr",
fa["extinction_coefficient"][] * u"m^-1",
fa["saturation_intensity"][] * u"W/m^2")
depth = (0.1u"m":0.1u"m":-max_depth)
prod = [production_rate(insolation, f, d) for d in depth]
lines!(ax, prod / u"m/Myr", - depth / u"m")
Sediment profile
#| creates: docs/src/_fig/sediment_profile.png
#| requires: data/output/alcap-example.h5
#| collect: figures
using CairoMakie
using CarboKitten.Export: read_slice
using CarboKitten.Visualization: sediment_profile
sediment_profile(read_slice("data/output/alcap-example.h5", :, 25)...))
module SedimentProfile
import CarboKitten.Visualization: sediment_profile, sediment_profile!
using CarboKitten.Visualization
using CarboKitten.Utility: in_units_of
using CarboKitten.Export: Header, Data, DataSlice, read_data, read_slice
using CarboKitten.Skeleton: skeleton
using Makie
using GeometryBasics
using Unitful
using Statistics: mean
const Rate = typeof(1.0u"m/Myr")
const Amount = typeof(1.0u"m")
const Length = typeof(1.0u"m")
const Time = typeof(1.0u"Myr")
const na = [CartesianIndex()]
elevation(h::Header, d::Data) =
let bl = h.initial_topography[:, :, na],
sr = h.axes.t[end] * h.subsidence_rate
bl .+ d.sediment_elevation .- sr
elevation(h::Header, d::DataSlice) =
let bl = h.initial_topography[d.slice..., na],
sr = h.axes.t[end] * h.subsidence_rate
bl .+ d.sediment_elevation .- sr
colormax(d::Data) = getindex.(argmax(d.deposition; dims=1)[1, :, :, :], 1)
colormax(d::DataSlice) = getindex.(argmax(d.deposition; dims=1)[1, :, :], 1)
Takes a three dimensional array representing a grid of vertices. This function duplicates these
vertices in the vertical direction, so that an amount of sediment can be given a single color.
Returns a tuple of vertices and faces (triangles), suitable for plotting with Makie's `mesh`
function explode_quad_vertices(v::Array{Float64,3})
w, h, d = size(v)
points = zeros(Float64, w, h - 1, 2, d)
n_vertices = 2 * w * (h - 1)
n_quads = (w - 1) * (h - 1)
@views points[:, :, 1, :] = v[1:end, 1:end-1, :]
@views points[:, :, 2, :] = v[1:end, 2:end, :]
idx = reshape(1:n_vertices, w, (h - 1), 2)
vtx1 = reshape(idx[1:end-1, :, 1], n_quads)
vtx2 = reshape(idx[2:end, :, 1], n_quads)
vtx3 = reshape(idx[2:end, :, 2], n_quads)
vtx4 = reshape(idx[1:end-1, :, 2], n_quads)
return reshape(points, n_vertices, d),
vcat(hcat(vtx1, vtx2, vtx3), hcat(vtx1, vtx3, vtx4))
function sediment_profile!(ax::Axis, header::Header, data::DataSlice)
x = header.axes.x |> in_units_of(u"km")
t = header.axes.t |> in_units_of(u"Myr")
n_facies = size(data.production)[1]
ξ = elevation(header, data) # |> in_units_of(u"m")
verts = zeros(Float64, length(x), length(t), 2)
@views verts[:, :, 1] .= x
@views verts[:, :, 2] .= ξ |> in_units_of(u"m")
v, f = explode_quad_vertices(verts)
water_depth = ξ .- (header.subsidence_rate.*(header.axes.t.-header.axes.t[end]).+header.sea_level)[na, :]
hiatus = skeleton(water_depth .> 0.0u"m")
total_subsidence = header.subsidence_rate * header.axes.t[end]
bedrock = (header.initial_topography[data.slice...] .- total_subsidence) |> in_units_of(u"m")
lower_limit = minimum(bedrock) - 20
band!(ax, x, lower_limit, bedrock; color=:gray)
lines!(ax, x, bedrock; color=:black)
ylims!(ax, lower_limit + 10, nothing)
xlims!(ax, x[1], x[end])
ax.xlabel = "position [km]"
ax.ylabel = "depth [m]"
ax.title = "sediment profile"
c = reshape(colormax(data)[:, :], length(x) * (length(t) - 1))
mesh!(ax, v, f, color=vcat(c, c), alpha=1.0, colormap=cgrad(Makie.wong_colors()[1:n_facies], n_facies, categorical=true))
verts = [(x[pt[1]], ξ[pt...] |> in_units_of(u"m")) for pt in hiatus[1]]
linesegments!(ax, vec(permutedims(verts[hiatus[2]])); color=:white, linestyle=:dash, linewidth=2)
function sediment_profile(header::Header, data_slice::DataSlice)
fig = Figure(size=(1000, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
sediment_profile!(ax, header, data_slice)
return fig
end # module
Stratigraphic Column
module StratigraphicColumn
using Makie
using Unitful
import CarboKitten.Visualization: stratigraphic_column!
using CarboKitten.Export: Header, DataColumn, stratigraphic_column, age_depth_model
function scdata(header::Header, data::DataColumn)
n_facies = size(data.production)[1]
n_times = length(header.axes.t) - 1
sc = zeros(Float64, n_facies, n_times)
for f = 1:n_facies
sc[f, :] = stratigraphic_column(header, data, f) / u"m"
colormax(d) = getindex.(argmax(d; dims=1)[1, :], 1)
adm = age_depth_model(data.sediment_elevation)
return (ys_low=adm[1:end-1] / u"m", ys_high=adm[2:end] / u"m", facies=colormax(sc)[1:end])
function stratigraphic_column!(ax::Axis, header::Header, data::DataColumn; color=Makie.wong_colors())
(ys_low, ys_high, facies) = scdata(header, data)
hspan!(ax, ys_low, ys_high; color=color[facies])
function stratigraphic_column!(ax::Axis, header::Header, data::Observable{DataColumn}; color=Makie.wong_colors())
_scdata = lift(d -> scdata(header, d), data)
_ys_low = lift(d -> d.ys_low, _scdata)
_ys_high = lift(d -> d.ys_high, _scdata)
_color = lift(d -> color[d.facies], _scdata)
hspan!(ax, _ys_low, _ys_high; color=_color)
module Skeleton
using .Iterators: filter, map as imap, product, flatten, drop
using ..Utility: enumerate_seq, find_ranges
const Vertex = Tuple{Int, UnitRange{Int}}
pairs(it) = zip(it, drop(it, 1))
edge(a::Vertex, b::Vertex) = isempty(a[2] ∩ b[2]) ? nothing : (a[1], b[1])
edges_between(a, b) = filter(!isnothing, imap(splat(edge), product(a, b)))
middle(a::UnitRange{Int}) = (a.start + a.stop) ÷ 2
Computes the skeleton of a bitmap, i.e. reduces features with some thickness to
a set of line segments. This function is designed with stratigraphic application
in mind: we scan each row in the bitmap for connected regions, then link neighbouring
regions when they overlap. The result is a graph that represents hiatus in the sediment
Returns a tuple of `vertices` and `edges`, where `vertices` is a vector of 2-tuples and
`edges` is a nx2 matrix of indices into the `vertices`.
function skeleton(bitmap::AbstractMatrix{Bool}; minwidth=10)
vertex_rows = (filter(r->length(r)>=minwidth, find_ranges(row)) for row in eachrow(bitmap))
edges = flatten(map(splat(edges_between), pairs(enumerate_seq(vertex_rows))))
vertices = flatten(((i, middle(v)) for v in vs) for (i, vs) in enumerate(vertex_rows))
return collect(vertices), reshape(reinterpret(Int, collect(edges)), (2,:))'
Glamour View (3D)
Not very useful but highly glamourous.
#| creates: docs/src/_fig/glamour_view.png
#| requires: data/output/cap1.h5
#| collect: figures
module Script
using GLMakie
using CarboKitten.Visualization: glamour_view!
using HDF5
function main()
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
h5open("data/output/cap1.h5", "r") do fid
glamour_view!(ax, fid)
save("docs/src/_fig/glamour_view.png", fig)
module GlamourView
import CarboKitten.Visualization: glamour_view!
using CarboKitten.Utility: in_units_of
using CarboKitten.Export: read_header
using Makie
using HDF5
using Unitful
function glamour_view!(ax::Makie.Axis3, fid::HDF5.File; colormap=Reverse(:speed))
header = read_header(fid)
x = header.axes.x |> in_units_of(u"km")
y = header.axes.y |> in_units_of(u"km")
xy_aspect = x[end] / y[end]
ax.aspect = (xy_aspect, 1, 1)
ax.azimuth = -π/3
n_steps = length(header.axes.t)
grid_size = (length(x), length(y))
steps_between = 2
selected_steps = [1, ((1:steps_between) .* n_steps .÷ (steps_between + 1))..., n_steps]
bedrock = header.initial_topography .- header.axes.t[end] * header.subsidence_rate
result = Array{Float64, 3}(undef, grid_size..., length(selected_steps))
for (i, j) in enumerate(selected_steps)
result[:, :, i] = fid["sediment_height"][:,:,j] .+ bedrock / u"m"
surface!(ax, x, y, result[:,:,1];
for s in eachslice(result[:,:,2:end-1], dims=3)
surface!(ax, x, y, s;
colormap=(colormap, 0.7))
surface!(ax, x, y, result[:,:,end];
lines!(ax, x, zeros(grid_size[1]), result[:, 1, end]; color=(:white, 0.5), linewidth=1)
lines!(ax, fill(x[end], grid_size[2]), y, result[end, :, end]; color=(:white, 0.5), linewidth=1)
Age-depth Model
module AgeDepthModel
using Makie
using Unitful
using CarboKitten.Visualization
using CarboKitten.Export