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Simulates events in the interval from to to based on a Poisson point process with rate rate. If the parameter n is used, the number of fossils is conditioned to be n In the context of paleontology, these events can be interpreted as fossil occurrences or first/last occurrences of species. In this case, the rate is the average number of fossil occurrences (resp first/last occurrences) per unit


p3(rate, from, to, n = NULL)



strictly positive scalar, rate of events (avg events per unit)


lowest boundary of observed interval


upper boundary of observed interval


integer of NULL (default). Number of events to return. If NULL, the number is random and determined by the rate parameter


a numeric vector with timing/location of events.

See also

p3_var_rate() for the variable rate implementation


# for fossil occ.
x = p3(rate = 5, from = 0, to = 1) # 5 fossil occurrences per myr on avg.
hist(x, xlab = "Time (Myr)", ylab = "Fossil Occurrences" )

x = p3(rate = 3, from = 0, to = 4)
hist(x, main = paste0(length(x), " samples")) # no of events is random

x = p3(rate = 3, from = 0, to = 4, n = 10)
hist(x, main = paste0(length(x), " samples")) # no of events is fixed to n

# see also
# for details on usage and applications to paleontology