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Rejection sampling from the (pseudo) pdf f in the interval between x_min and x_max. Returns n samples. Note that values of f below 0 are capped to zero


rej_samp(f, x_min, x_max, n = 1L, f_max = 1, max_try = 10^4)



function. (pseudo) pdf from which the sample is drawn


scalar. lower limit of the examined interval


scalar. upper limit of the examined interval


integer. number of samples drawn


maximum value of f in the interval from x_min to x_max. If f attains values larger than f_max a warning is throw, f_max is adjusted, and sampling is started again


maximum number of tries in the rejection sampling algorithm. If more tries are needed, an error is thrown. If this is the case, inspect of your function f is well-defined and positive, and if f_max provides a reasonable upper bound on it. Adjust max_try if you are certain that both is the case, e.g. if f is highly irregular.


numeric vector, sample of size n drawn from the (pseudo) pdf specified by f

See also

p3_var_rate() for the derived variable rate Poisson point process implementation.


f = sin
x = rej_samp(f, 0, 3*pi, n = 100)
hist(x) # note that no samples are drawn where sin is negative