Talks and activities
February 2025: Xianyi Liu is presenting his talk How does subaerial erosion of carbonate platform distort the sedimentary record? at the SedsOnline webinar on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 at 5 PM CET
February 2025: A recording of Niklas Hohmanns’ presentation “Recovering Trait Evolution From Incomplete Carbonate Successions” at PaleoPERCS is now available on YouTube
February 2025: We joined the workshop on Efficient Programming in Julia at the Netherlands eScience Center, where Johan Hidding presented examples from CarboKitten.jl
October 2024: The Paleoverse lecture “Building modeling pipelines for stratigraphic paleobiology in R” by Niklas Hohmann can now be viewed on YouTube, all materials are available on Zenodo
September 2024: Niklas Hohmann received the PeerJ prize for the best talk at the Annual Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft
September 2024: We held the first workshop “Building modeling pipelines for stratigraphic paleobiology in R”. The materials are freely available online
July 2024: Johan Hidding presented examples from CarboKitten.jl at his talk at JuliaCon 2024: Natural Science, Computer Modeling and Literate Programming See his talk on YouTube