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Thins a vector of events using the function thin, meaning the probability that the ith event in x is preserved is given by thin(x(i)). Values of thin below 0 and above 1 are ignored. Is used to model niche preferences in apply_niche and taphonomic effects in apply_taphonomy.


thin(x, thin)



numeric vectors with events (e.g. locations, height, times)


a function used for thinning


numeric vector, events after thinning. Depending on the modeling framework, these events can represent fossil ages/locations or first/last occurrences, and the thinning taphonomic or ecological effects.

See also

apply_niche() and apply_taphonomy() for use cases with biological meaning


x = p3(rate = 100, from = 0, to = 3 * pi) # simulate Poisson point process
y = thin(x, sin)
hist(y) # not how negative values of sin are treated as 0

yy = thin(x, function(x) 5 * sin(x))
hist(yy) # note how values of 5 * sin above 1 are not affecting the thinning